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 Pastor and his family history
        Pastor Joe Porter and his wife Emy were chemical engineers, and they both held enviable positions in one of the top corporations in the Philippines. At the height of their careers, a traumatic near-death experience made them realize that having religion was not enough. It also caused them to evaluate and rearrange their priorities in life. Their search for spiritual enlightenment led into the wave of the Charismatic revival that swept over the city of Cebu. In 1983, they found the meaning and purpose of life in having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
        They joined Maranatha Christian Fellowship and became part of its original leadership. They developed and conducted New Life Seminars which brought many people to the Lord and became instrumental in the phenomenal growth of the church. Their uncompromising love for God and unrelenting desire to serve Him drove them to give up their jobs in 1987. Emy became the Church Administrator and Chief Counselor and Coordinator for 700 Club. Joe went to Bible School and became Associate Pastor. His responsibility was discipleship. He formed a Core Group in 1987 and by 1992 he was overseeing fifty-six Care Groups.
       In August of 1992, their family was sent by the church as missionaries to the Washington D.C. area. They began by conducting Bible Studies in homes. Two churches have now been established, one that meets in Bethesda and another that meets in Baltimore.
       The strength of their ministry is the shepherd heart and servant heart of Pastor Joe, the involvement of his wife in worship, teaching, and administration. Their four children, Gretchen, Jolene, Michael and Jordan, love the Lord and are actively involved in the ministry.
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